As you prepare to remodel your kitchen, you are going to want to figure out what type of refrigerator you want to install in your home. Picking the style of refrigerator you install will help you build the space in your kitchen to accommodate the style of unit you want in your kitchen.
Top-Freezer Refrigerator
The first style for you to consider is a top-freezer refrigerator. This is one of the most classic styles on the market and has been around for decades. These type of kitchen refrigerators are usually very space-efficient. Top-freezer style ones provide a lot of space and a small amount of freezer space. Both the door to the freezer and the refrigerator swing open.
Bottom-Freezer Refrigerator
Another style of the refrigerator to consider is a bottom-freezer refrigerator. A bottom-style fridge usually has more storage space overall than the top-freezer refrigerator. With a bottom-freezer fridge, the top has a door that swings open to one side, and the bottom is generally a pull-out drawer, so you need enough clearance to pull the door open as well.
French-Door Refrigerator
The third style to consider is a French-door refrigerator. With a French-door refrigerator, the freezer is on the bottom. The freezer uses a drawer that pulls open and provides you with access to the freezer. There are two doors that meet in the middle of it and swing open. You need clearance on both sides to easily open the doors, and you need space in front of the freezer. These refrigerators offer a lot of storage space, which is great if you really love to cook. You will enjoy big open shelves and lots of storage space in the doors as well.
Finally, there are the side-by-side units, where there are two doors that run the length of it. Once again, with this type of fridge, you need room to open both sides of the door. This type of device works great in a small kitchen and works well if you don't use a lot of food.
When it comes to designing your new kitchen, you are going to want to consider the style of the refrigerator, and how the doors open, before you finalize your kitchen plans. Getting the right style of refrigerator will allow you to create the right layout for your kitchen. Get the measurements for your new refrigerator before finalizing the design of your kitchen.